Director - Tony Ayres
Musical Director - Derek Beck
Choreography - Louise Hodson
By Pietro Mascagni (Cavalleria Rusticana)
and Gilbert and Sullivan (Trial by Jury)
Cavalleria Rusticana Principal Roles:
Santuzza, a peasant girl - Kate Freemantle
Turiddu, a young villager - Tony Reid
Lucia, Turiddu's mother - Penny Bullough
Alfio, a carter - Peter Barber
Lola, Alfio's wife - Carole Lilly
Trial by Jury Principal Roles:
(NB All Trial by Jury principals are in the chorus for Cav. Rusticana)
The Learned Judge - Adrian Hickford
The Plaintiff - Georgina Bottriell
The Defendant - Peter Revis
Counsel for the Plaintiff - James Fitzgerald
Usher - Clive Hilton
Foreman of the Jury - Hamish McDonald
Sopranos: Sue Aiken, Debbie Cleary, Anne McDonald, Noeline Ormerod, Heather Reid, Lois Price, Fredrica Teale, Mary Twomey
Altos: Gill Beck, Anne Croudass, Jan Gwynne Howell, Talia Hedstrom, Annette Hilton, Louise Hodson, Grace Honeysett, Pamela Jones, Nicola Moore, Liz Petley Jones, Gill Russell, Claire Smith, Joyce Smith, Fran Stirrup
Tenors: Graham Light, Chris Milne, Colin Paice
Basses: Stephen Gleed, Bob Jones, Alan Matheson

WMOS | Winchester Musicals and Opera Society

WMOS | Winchester Musicals and Opera Society

WMOS | Winchester Musicals and Opera Society

WMOS | Winchester Musicals and Opera Society
Charity Collection
Wells for India - A Winchester based charity working to bring water and dignity to the poorest people of Rajasthan www.wellsforindia.org
Awards and Nominations
Nomination of Daily Echo Curtain Call award for Best Performance in an Opera - Kate Freemantle (Cavalliera Rusticana)