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Winchester Amateur Operatic Society - WAOS - Ruddigore - May 1934 - Guildhall Winchester


Programme cover for Ruddigore 1934
Click on cover to view full show programme

Producer and Stage Manager - Noel Hanbury

Musical Director - Muir Mathieson


By Gilbert and Sullivan



Sir Ruthven Murgatroyd - Herbert Hindell

Richard Dauntless - Frank Major

Sir Despard Murgatroyd - Horace Taylor

Old Adam Goodheart - Sydney Johnston

Sir Roderic Murgatroyd - Frederic Crocker

Rose Maybud - Barbara Whitwam

Mad Margaret - Amy M Moon

Dame Hannah - Verena Carse

Zorah - Joan Whitwam

Ruth - Joan Alcock


Officers and Ancestors

A J Anderson, J W Cave, F Chisnell, M P Clark, J F Clear, R O Corbin, J Dougland, R East, A Finch, G Hardin, D W Maddock, R Mathews, A F Medley, W A Nicholls, E A Parsons, C R L Portsmouth, S A Richardson, A Slater



Q F Bird, W Edwards, J Hennesey, G Hearsey, E Lock, A Major, N Perkins, C Portsmouth, P Richardson, M L Wetton


Villagers and Fishergirls

J Barnes, M Binstead, J Bonham, I Biles, J Buckett, E M Crocker, D East, M Elton, A Gard, D M Gardener, E Hale, V Johnston


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